Cattolica - Acquario Di Cattolica
14/06/2024 - 15/06/2024

from 14 to 15 June in the green area of ​​the Cattolica Aquarium

Don't miss the summer event dedicated to Generation Z and families!
On 14 and 15 June the diEFFE BROS and the Space family of Vale Bise and Sara Di Sturco arrive in the Regina, protagonists of the #Cattolica Summer Fest, a summer event dedicated to young people and families organized by the Municipality of Cattolica and the Cattolica Aquarium .

JUNE 14, 2024
diEFFE BROS , David and Frederick, highly followed YouTubers, TikTokers and content creators for the world of children and families, capable of creating original moments of sharing between parents and children, all seasoned with great irony and sympathy

JUNE 15, 2024
Space Family , Vale and Sara... with their exceptional live show that has won thousands of followers

Free entry!

Caricamento in Corso...